Dear Families,
Our Trip to the G.N.E.:
You will have the opportunity to see and read your child’s paragraph (response) at our ‘Meet the Teacher.’ However, if you wish to see it prior, please indicate so in the agenda and I’ll send it home.
Start your day with a positive mindset. Try some of these affirmations everyone! Remember, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your destiny!!
Growth Mindset:
Another fun-filled week for us! I am
very pleased with how students have transitioned from their holidays to school
mode! As you’ve probably gathered from my blog updates, we have been go,
Go, GO with our learning in class! Look at how much we’ve accomplished in
a mere 3 weeks! Looking forward to much more learning to be done in the
coming weeks. Stay tuned!
Our Trip to the G.N.E.:
Today, my
Grade 3 students and Mrs. O’s class went to the G.N.E. to participate in a
science and health related field trip. Every year, the G.N.E runs a very
purposeful program for all students. We got to be part of several amazing
learning stations such as Horses, Dairy Farming,
Little Buckaroos, Sheep Shearing, Soil, and Healthy Snacks! As well, we got to spend an hour exploring the venue in our groups! These
stations kept us fully engaged and we came away with many new learnings that
I’m sure your child will eagerly share with you over the weekend! The
knowledgeable staff was very warm and welcoming. For our very first trip
so early in the year, my students demonstrated their best behaviour. I am so proud of my class, yay!
At the beginning of every new math unit, I will
be sending home a 'Math Note' with your child in his or her
agenda bag. You will have noticed that the first one was sent home this
week. Please take some time to sit down with them to read over the "Learning
Goal" and the Strategies/Games suggested that
you can do at home to support this new strand of math. We are currently
working on the "Number Sense and Numeration Unit."
Math Practice:
Each week, I will also be providing 1 page of
math to work on at home to help reinforce what we’re learning in class.
Students are encouraged to complete these sheets independently, however,
parental assistance is always welcome if needed to get them started. The
math that comes home focuses on areas that I have taught at school, so they
should be familiar with these. Their extra math practice duo-tang will be
handed out on Tuesdays (complete half the questions on Tuesday evening and
complete the other half Wednesdays) and please have it returned to school on
Thursdays for marking.
Just another friendly reminder about our school
Terry Fox Run! It will be held on Thurs.
Sept. 27th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. All families are welcome
to come join us out on the track. As a
school, it is our goal to raise $1,000 for the foundation – we can do it!
Families are encouraged to donate a “Toonie for Terry.” Together we can
achieve our goal! If you wish, please have your child bring in their
money starting Monday. We have until Thursday to collect all funds. Thank you for supporting our initiative!
Each week, I will be providing students with a ‘Quick Write’ topic. The goal of this task is for students to develop
their paragraph writing, editing, revising, and publishing skills. This week’s quick write was “All About Terry Fox!” Students had to access their hippocampus (brain helper) and share
what they know about him.
I provided
some guiding questions to help get them started:
- · “Who is he?
- · Why is he considered a Canadian Hero?
- · Why do we have the Terry Fox run?”
You will have the opportunity to see and read your child’s paragraph (response) at our ‘Meet the Teacher.’ However, if you wish to see it prior, please indicate so in the agenda and I’ll send it home.
the Teacher:
I’m very eager and excited to meet all of my students’
families next week on Wed. Sept. 26th
from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. There will be
pizza provided from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Yum, YUM!
When you’re done dinner, please come join me in our portable! Your child will have many things to share with
you such as their desk, the mindfulness wall, math wall, and the various charts
around our classroom that help us be our best selves! I will also have some student work placed on
desks so you can see some of your child’s language and math activities J

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t
hesitate to contact me. I can always be
reached at the school 705. 445. 1827 or via email at (which I check
Start your day with a positive mindset. Try some of these affirmations everyone! Remember, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your destiny!!
Growth Mindset:
"Never look down on someone, unless you're helping them up!"
Ms. Gill
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