Dear Families,
Are we seriously in the last week of September!?  Time flies when you're having fun with our peers and teachers!  October is soon upon us and there is so much we're looking forward to in and out of the classroom - Orange Shirt Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and so much more!  Let's make next month just as special as this one :)

Character Recognition Assembly:
At the end of every month, we as a school community celebrate a spirit day (today’s was Western Day) and the Character Trait of the month.  Thank you to all the students who showed school spirit and dressed up in their Western attire!  Yee-HAW!!!

This month’s character trait is Caring – “We show kindness towards each other.”  I will take time on the blog to share and honour the recipients. I strongly believe an important part of our learning is to build and instill character in our children.  As a teacher, I do my best to model these traits consistently in my thoughts, words, and actions. 

Today at our assembly, we recognized students from grades K-8 for Caring.  Congratulations to Jeremy and Cayden for demonstrating caring on a consistent basis!  You are models for 'showing kindness towards your peers and teachers!'  Thank you for setting a positive example in and out of our classroom community!  I am so proud of you both!  

Next month’s character trait is Cooperation - 'We work together to get the job done!'

Terry Fox Run:
We had the most perfect afternoon for our Terry Fox Run!  It was delightful to see all staff, students, and some parents come out to do our part in keeping Terry's Dream Alive!  I was touched seeing everyone run, walk, and jog in support of loved ones and Terry Fox.  

Thank you to ALL the students and their families for your generous donations!  Our class alone raised $113.00 for the Foundation. Amazing!!  A special mention to Coleton who was recognized at our Caring assembly today for his contributions.  He donated $50.00 for cancer research!!  Your commitment to character is valued :)

Together we can all make a difference and help find a cure through raising money for Cancer Research. Unfortunately, more often than not, many of us have been affected by this terrible illness through knowing family members and friends who have fought or are still fighting cancer.  Let us all remain HOPEFUL and COURAGEOUS that one day there will be a cure as this is what Terry Fox would want ... never STOP BELIEVING!!  I give my thoughts, prayers, and well wishes to all those who have been affected.  My heart goes out to you.

In Language, we are learning to build upon our reading and writing skills.  As shared in last week's post, students did a writing piece about Terry Fox's courageous 'Marathon of Hope' which raises awareness about the importance of cancer research.  Ask your child to summarize / highlight the important parts of Terry Fox’s powerful journey and the writing task he or she worked on in class.  There were some students who used the reading comprehension strategy ‘Making Connections’ to connect their life experiences to Terry Fox.  It was amazing to hear their moving experiences and how Terry has impacted their thinking and life.

This week our learning goal in math was on rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest ten.  We learned how to use a number line to help us.  I am delighted to share that many grasped this concept very well.  

Over the weekend, parents you may wish to give your child a 3-digit number and have him or her build a number line and show you how to round it with an explanation at the end.  We did a math journal entry which gave them practice, so they should be able to share this concept with you :) See example in picture below.

I also introduced a new rounding math game called "ROLL IT" which helped students with their confidence. This year, I will be introducing and teaching many math games throughout our school year as they are engaging, interactive, and FUN!  See students playing with a peer below :)

 Rounding Quick Tips Video:

Orange Shirt Day:
I've shared with my students about this important cause.  Ask them why we will be wearing orange on Monday :)
Image result for every child matters

The Orange Shirt Day campaign - Every Child Matters (September 30th nationally) - recalls the experiences of former students of residential schools and is a commitment to ongoing reconciliation in Canada.  Originating in British Columbia, 2018 marks the fifth year of the campaign.  September  30th is considered important in the residential school experiences of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people as this was the date when students would be removed from their homes to attend residential schools.  This year, September  30th falls on a Sunday so schools will recognize Orange Shirt Day on Monday October 1st.

In class, we say the PLEDGE everyday.  Can your child recite it for you?

"Simcoe County District School Board acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabe people.  We acknowledge the enduring presence of First Nation, Metis, and Inuit people on this land and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect."

A brief look into a residential school survivor sharing her story.  We cannot change the past, but we can help create a brighter future.  ALL children and adults matter.  No one should be treated unfairly or unjustly.  Let's move forward in the spirit of reconciliation and RESPECT!!

Growth Mindset:
"I can TRAIN my BRAIN to DO IT!"

Ms. Gill


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