
Showing posts from November, 2018
Dear Families, We’re soon into the month of December if you can believe that!  It’s been a winter wonderland this week and I’m happy students are dressed warmly and cozily to enjoy playing out in the snow!  They're really enjoying building snow forts and giant snowballs!  The intermediates have built a gigantic one! As always, staff and students showed excellent spirit for the courage assembly today dressing up in their GREEN attire to help promote and keep our planet green and clean!  Our school's green team did an excellent job delivering their message to reduce, reuse, and recycle EVERYDAY! Together, we can help KEEP our planet healthy! Character Recognition Assembly: Today, we had our third character recognition assembly to celebrate November’s character trait of  Courage – “We do the right thing, even when it’s difficult.”   Congratulations to our recipients Karson and Allison.  I am so proud of you both for striving t...
Dear Families, It was wonderful meeting with all my students' families this week.  Thank you for taking the time to attend and help celebrate and enjoy all your child's achievements thus far in the school year! I am extremely proud of each student as they clearly, confidently, and calmly led his or her conference by sharing their self-assessment (Progress Report), personal goals , and their  "Star" and "Arrow" pieces of work.   It was their chance to shine and they certainly lit up our hearts and minds! Throughout the conferences, I experienced some heart-warming moments with parents and I really appreciate and value all your positive and constructive feedback.  I will use it to continue to provide my best as an educator for your child's academic, social, and behavioural needs.  Meeting the needs of my students is of utmost importance to me and I will always work hard to ensure they receive a compassionate, caring, and safe enviro...
Dear Families, I am really looking forward to sitting with you next week at the student-led conferences where we will get to celebrate your child's strengths and areas of improvement! It’s been another productive week of learning here in our class!  Below, you will see just how amazing it was :) Thank you for taking the time each week to read and support your child's learning! This BLOG serves as a communication tool between school and home.  Its purpose is to reinforce all that we're learning and what we're doing in class so you can help guide your child at home too!  It's making a significant  difference :) Progress Reports: This evening, you will have received your child's progress report card.  It was a joy writing these as it gives me the opportunity to think and reflect about all the wonderful things your child is contributing in our learning community thus far.  It’s been a remarkable start to the year! ...
Dear Families, This morning, all staff and students attended a heartfelt Remembrance Day assembly to honour and express our gratitude to all those who have, are, and will continue to serve our country.  Thank you to all the staff and students who wore red, white, and black to recognize Remembrance Day.  We are blessed to live in a safe, free, and remarkable country! Each day, we sing O' Canada, and during this time, I ensure that my students and I demonstrate our utmost respect and take time in our own way to say 'thank you' for being part of a wonderful community, country, and world.  I am so proud of my students who participate in choir with Mrs. O and Ms. Stewart.  Once a week, they meet in the rotunda or library and practice their skills in singing and performing.   Today at the assembly, the choir members sang their rehearsed songs with such love and compassion.  They did a marvelous job!  Way ...
Dear Families, I hope you had a wonderful Halloween celebration on Wednesday!   Many students shared with me their excitement and all the fun they had with their family and friends!  I'm delighted to hear everyone was safe and had a blast!   Thank you to all the students and staff who participated in our spirit day by dressing up in orange, black, and purple!  Check us out! Can you believe it's already November!?  This month's character trait focuses on Courage - "We do the right thing EVEN WHEN IT'S DIFFICULT!"   Accepting challenges outside our comfort zones is something that isn't easy, but when we do, we can become a better version of ourselves and realize our potential has NO BOUNDARIES! Halloween Celebration: Thank you to Sebastien's family for your time, energy, and loving thought to provide some treats for our Halloween PARTY!  We appreciate and devoured the goodies, YUM!  We needed to burn off our energ...