Dear Families,
I am really looking forward to sitting with you next week at the
student-led conferences where we will get to celebrate your child's strengths
and areas of improvement!
It’s been another productive week of learning here in our class! Below,
you will see just how amazing it was :) Thank you for taking the time each week
to read and support your child's learning!

This BLOG serves as a communication tool between school and home. Its purpose is to reinforce all that we're learning and what we're doing in class so you can help guide your child at home too! It's making a significant difference :)
Progress Reports:
This evening, you will have received your child's progress report
card. It was a joy writing these as it gives me the opportunity to think
and reflect about all the wonderful things your child is contributing in our
learning community thus far. It’s been a remarkable start to the year!
I truly feel blessed to teach and learn from your child each and every
I have encouraged my students to carefully go over the Learning
Skills portion of this report card with you and to not focus solely on the letter
grade (E, G, S, N), but to read the star (areas of strength) and arrow (areas
for improvement) comments. It is these comments that provide valuable
insight into what will guide your child into continuing and instilling
important work habits which will ultimately help them be successful in their
academic, social, and behavioural journey in school.
Student-Led Conferences:
As shared briefly above, I look forward to connecting with my students' families next week
at the student-led conferences! If you haven't already done so, please
ensure you sign up for a day and time. We are promoting online
booking. If you have difficulty with this, please don't hesitate to
contact our office. I know Mrs. Beattie will be happy to help you with this!
Book Fair:
Our Nottawa Book Fair will be held the week of: Nov. 20th - Nov. 26th in our school library. Come on out to show your support and love of reading!
Our Nottawa Book Fair will be held the week of: Nov. 20th - Nov. 26th in our school library. Come on out to show your support and love of reading!

Wed. Nov. 21st - after school
Thurs. Nov. 22nd - after school
Fri. Nov. 23rd - morning (9:00 - 12:00 p.m.)
Mon. Nov. 26th - after school
Reading Comprehension:
This week, we did a reading comprehension activity to get us
thinking about what we’re reading and answering questions effectively using the
A.P.E. strategy (see picture). We will be referring to this throughout
the school year to help build our comprehension (understanding) skills. I
have sent home the first task students completed in class. As we do more
of these types of tasks, I know students confidence levels will increase as
well as their independence in completing these. Ask your child to
summarize what the text was about and what they learned about roof gardens.
In math, we learned about extending and describing repeating,
growing, and shrinking patterns. Ask your child what the following mean:
- · Attribute
- · Pattern Core
- · Term
You may wish to create a numeric pattern for your child to extend
and then describe the pattern to help reinforce learned concepts from this
For example, consider the following pattern: 11, 22, 33, 44,
___, ___, ___
What is the pattern rule?
What kind of pattern is this?
In science, we learned about a
new force called muscular force. Students planned, designed, and created
a paper airplane with a partner. We tested out the planes by using
muscular force (flying them by hand) and measured the distance.
Congratulations to Sebastien and Lyric for flying their plane the farthest
Sonja & Connor:
Thank you to Sonja and Connor
for bringing in more magnets for us to learn from and explore how magnetism
works. Our brains are growing from your examples!
Thank you Adalyn for the yummy
rice krispy treats you brought to school to share with your peers on your
birthday! They were DELICIOUS!
This week’s mindfulness videos focused on bullying. Bullying
is a concern that is brought to my attention from time to time especially when children are
experiencing a problem on the yard. What is bullying? We need to know the difference between bullying and unkind
In class, we discussed that bullying is when someone has an intent
to hurt another person and it is an ongoing occurrence.
In other words, bullying is:
· An intent to hurt someone
physically and emotionally
· It is ongoing and happens to the same person over and over again
We have learned the terms “BYstander” and “UPstander.” Ask
your child what these mean and how they can help support someone who is being
Growth Mindset:
“When I bring peace, I can help CHANGE THE WORLD!” - Coleton
Ms. Gill
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