Dear Families,
Happy Spring!  It was fabulous seeing my students this week; I had missed them tremendously! I hope you enjoyed your March Break with them.  I heard so many neat experiences!  Now we're back to our regular routines and regimes.  I bet as a parent, you're delighted by this too :-)  As you'll see and read below, it was a busy and productive week of learning for us all!

Image result for first day of spring in 2019

We've been having so much fun with our probability unit!  Students have been enjoying doing probability experiments and playing games!  Earlier this week, we completed the following task (see picture below).

Ask your child about his or her predictions and what their results were after the experiment!  Many students discovered that it was equally as likely to land on heads and tails because the face of a coin has 1 head and 1 tail.  Check them out in math action below!

Over the next two weeks, your child will be working with fractions.  Students will use fractions to describe parts of a group, parts of a whole, and parts of a measure.  They will represent and explain fractions using drawings.  They will also be exposed to mixed numbers.  Please use the suggested activities listed on the math note that came home to try with your child to get them practicing using fractions in their daily life!

Image result for fractions for kids
As shared in the previous blog posted prior to March Break, students took time this week to review their reading comprehension answers to the text "Sometimes It Takes Two."  I showed them exemplars of student responses and together we decided to offer feedback and levels based on the responses.

This was a very meaningful task because students were able to give reasons why a piece deserved a level 4, 3, 2, or 1 based on the criteria of A.P.E. (answer, proof, extend), grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and providing evidence from the text to support their answers.

After this process, I had students then do a self-assessment on their responses and provide a level to their work and justify why they gave themselves that mark.  We will continue to do this with the remainder of our reading comprehension tasks!  It is important for students to recognize where their strengths and next steps are to continue building upon their achievements!

This week's focus was on the stability of a structure.  We did an experiment using cardboard to test out the stability of large, medium, and small tubes with and without a load.  Ask your child which tube was the most stable and WHY?  Which tube was the least stable and WHY?

Next week, we will do another experiment, but this time, we will test out the strength of a structure.  Students will work in their S.T.E.A.M. teams to build a strong cube using 12 straws and 30 cm of masking tape.  We will then test out the strength of these structures by placing a load on top.  The team's whose cube holds the most load, wins :-)  Stay tuned!

Character Education Assembly:
Next Fri. Mar. 29th, we will be celebrating March’s Character Trait of the Month– Integrity!  Families are invited to attend this as well.  It will take place during periods 5/6 1:40 – 3:00 p.m.

Image result for integrity quotes for kids

Students are encouraged to “ROCK THEIR SOCKS” (wear their most funky, colourful, and creative socks they have) as a way to honour, acknowledge and show our support for those who have downs syndrome.  Thank you to Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. McTaggart for organizing this assembly for US!

Image result for rock your socks down syndrome 2019

With the spring thaw occurring, we have a lot of mud around our portable.  I know it is fun to trek through this, however, it becomes a slipping hazard in class when this mud is on the floors.  In addition, I want to ensure we respect our custodians and their hard work by not bringing in more mess into our portable. 

I have spoken with my students to refrain from going into the muddy areas for their safety.  Your reinforcement at home in this matter would be greatly appreciated too.  Thank you!

Image result for mud and kids 

Thank you Becca for signing out such a wonderful book from the Collingwood Public Library over the March Break, and then bringing it to school to share with US.  Your passion for black history is admired. 

We've learned so much about the amazing Viola Desmond and this book helped expand our knowledge and understanding of the meaningful changes she brought to black Canadians.  I think I may have to buy this book for my collection!

On Monday, Adalyn was outside playing at recess and she found money on our school yard.  Instead of taking it, Adalyn decided to give it to Mrs. Beattie in hopes of finding the owner of this $5.55.  I am so proud of your thoughtful, KIND, and honest actions!  You are setting a positive example for our class family!  You're a SUPER STAR!

After hearing about Adalyn's act of kindness, Connor was out playing at recess on  Wed. and found a toonie on the ground.  He immediately came up to me when the bell rang and said, "Ms. Gill, I found $2.00 on the ground, may I take it to Mrs. Beattie?"  I beamed with pride!!  These students are choosing to BE KIND!  Thank you for being WONDERFUL YOU!!

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An Indian motivational speaker whom I look up to and am inspired by.  Mr. Jay Shetty speaks of gratitude being one of the most important things you can have (go to minute 3:20 in the video for this part).

We have talked a lot about this value throughout the school year and it is something I wish to reinforce always in my students.  "When we are in a state of gratitude we don't have time to be in any other state - sadness, anger, frustration."

Make it an intention to START and END your day by sharing one thing you're grateful for and you will soon realize just how abundant your life truly is!!  Let's continue filling OUR mind, body, and spirit with being appreciative of all we have and have to offer!!

Growth Mindset:

"If you're KIND and POLITE, the world will be right!" - Jimi

Ms. Gill


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