Dear Families,
I also wanted to say a thank you to the parents who regularly check and sign their child's agenda. It is an excellent communication tool between parent, child, and teacher. I have been enjoying your notes!
As we soon enter our final month of school (June), I am delighted with my students progress and look forward to more fun in the sun! Thank you for your continued support in ALL your child's learning!
Beach Day:
Character Recognition Assembly:
For this unit of study, our Learning Goal & Success Criteria is the following:
Learning Goal:
Success Criteria:
Have your child visit the link below to learn about the different types of poetry we will be exploring!
Fun Fair:
A big thank you to our dedicated parent council for planning, organizing, promoting, and facilitating our annual fun fair! Despite the calling of rain, it turned out to be beautiful outside! The fair was a huge success because of the amazing team!
On behalf of the staff at Nottawa, thank you for ALL that you do! Sorry I don't have many photos to share for this event, I was too busy talking away to everyone ;)
Muskoka Chair:
Thank you to my students who took time to plan and decorate our chair for the fun fair! I'm sure everyone could appreciate the messages on it :) Check out our "GROWTH MINDSETS."
Blue Mountain:
Next Friday, we will be going to Blue Mountain for our day of FUN at Blue!! Hopefully the weather will be cooperating and it'll be a bright and shining day for US! What ever the weather brings, I know we're going to have a blast!
Please ensure your child is prepared by dressing for the temperature, pack lots of water, and snacks. I also encourage talking with your child about responsible and respectful behaviour during a trip of this nature. It is very important that we stop, look, and listen when we are asked to do so to ensure everyone is SAFE and CARED FOR :)
Thank you to Harrison and his family for gifting me with a maple leaf pin to recognize my Prime Minister's award. This truly warmed my heart! I will wear it with pride and dignity as I too am a proud Canadian :)
I have placed it on my school keys lanyard (see picture) which I wear everyday! It will be a constant reminder for me to continue to put forth my personal best as a teacher for our children! Thank you, THANK YOU!
Can you think of some OTHER things not shared in the video that YOU THINK we should all say more often? Write it down and bring your ideas to school next week to share and teach US :-)
Growth Mindset:
Despite the not so sunny week, your child is gently encouraged to wear a hat and apply sunscreen on days that we DO experience lots of sun and heat as he or she is outside daily for two 20 minute fitness breaks (40 minutes). On nicer days, we will be taking advantage of being outside and enjoy outdoor learning! Thank you for your support in this matter.

I also wanted to say a thank you to the parents who regularly check and sign their child's agenda. It is an excellent communication tool between parent, child, and teacher. I have been enjoying your notes!
As we soon enter our final month of school (June), I am delighted with my students progress and look forward to more fun in the sun! Thank you for your continued support in ALL your child's learning!
Beach Day:
Thank you to ALL the staff and students who participated in our spirit day! Everyone looked beachy-reffic!
Character Recognition Assembly:
Today, we celebrated May's character trait which is Respect. Congratulations to Addy and Alex! Thank you for always demonstrating respectful behaviour towards your peers, teachers, and family. We’ve learned, in order to get respect, we have to give it! Way to go you two!
Next month's character trait is Responsibility – “We do the right thing even when NO ONE IS WATCHING!”

Throughout our school year, I've had numerous discussions with my students about the importance of always being accountable for our thoughts, words, and actions. We must all take responsibility for this as it is vital to ensure the safety and happiness for ourselves and others.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the staff, students, families, and special guests (superintendent of education Michael Giffen, a member of ETFO, and my former principal Mrs. Sandra Kemsley) for acknowledging and celebrating my achievement! My vocabulary isn't extensive enough to truly express the amount of gratitude I have for you all!! It is a moment, I will always cherish and be grateful for.
I would like to also share how this nomination and achievement has only further inspired me to BE BETTER and to DO MORE for the students of Nottawa and our wider community. I have some goals in mind and I am excited to share these with you in the coming years!
The past two weeks have been the most rewarding and moving experience in my career, and I promise, I will continue to put in the work to ensure our children get the best possible education. Thank you parents for seeing me for who I am, and believing in me as your child's teacher. This has been the greatest teaching gift of my life!!
Below, I thought I'd share a few pictures from my visit to Ottawa as well as the link to an article written about me as some were asking about this and how my trip was. It was remarkable to say the least and I'm sooo happy I could share it with my dear Ma! Like many of the mothers of the students in my class, you can just imagine how she was feeling :) BEAMING WITH PRIDE!
Nottawa Educator Recognized for Teaching Excellence:
We did it! We are officially done EQAO :) The students all did their personal best and I couldn't be more proud of their hard work. We really enjoyed this process as it helped us celebrate what we know, and to think about what we need to keep working towards.
If you wish, please ask your child:
What were some of the titles of the reading selections?
What did you write about in your adventure story?
Can you tell me about 2 open response math questions you answered?
I have shared with my students that although we are done the testing, we will still be learning and working hard on our math, reading, and writing skills until the end of school. It's important to keep a routine and structure as children thrive off of this!
End of EQAO Party:
Yesterday, we enjoyed a little end of EQAO celebration with Mrs. O's class and had an icy cool treat! Thank you to Mrs. O for providing us with these yummy eats!
Thank you to Adalyn and family for bringing in an extra treat for our celebration! The pretzels were yummy in our tummies!
Due to the rigorous EQAO testing this week and our assembly during period 1/2, I decided to postpone our 3D geometry assessment until Monday. If you wish on the PA Day, please have your child study for this using the review sheet I sent home last week.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the staff, students, families, and special guests (superintendent of education Michael Giffen, a member of ETFO, and my former principal Mrs. Sandra Kemsley) for acknowledging and celebrating my achievement! My vocabulary isn't extensive enough to truly express the amount of gratitude I have for you all!! It is a moment, I will always cherish and be grateful for.
I would like to also share how this nomination and achievement has only further inspired me to BE BETTER and to DO MORE for the students of Nottawa and our wider community. I have some goals in mind and I am excited to share these with you in the coming years!

The past two weeks have been the most rewarding and moving experience in my career, and I promise, I will continue to put in the work to ensure our children get the best possible education. Thank you parents for seeing me for who I am, and believing in me as your child's teacher. This has been the greatest teaching gift of my life!!
Below, I thought I'd share a few pictures from my visit to Ottawa as well as the link to an article written about me as some were asking about this and how my trip was. It was remarkable to say the least and I'm sooo happy I could share it with my dear Ma! Like many of the mothers of the students in my class, you can just imagine how she was feeling :) BEAMING WITH PRIDE!
Nottawa Educator Recognized for Teaching Excellence:
We did it! We are officially done EQAO :) The students all did their personal best and I couldn't be more proud of their hard work. We really enjoyed this process as it helped us celebrate what we know, and to think about what we need to keep working towards.

What were some of the titles of the reading selections?
What did you write about in your adventure story?
Can you tell me about 2 open response math questions you answered?
I have shared with my students that although we are done the testing, we will still be learning and working hard on our math, reading, and writing skills until the end of school. It's important to keep a routine and structure as children thrive off of this!
End of EQAO Party:
Yesterday, we enjoyed a little end of EQAO celebration with Mrs. O's class and had an icy cool treat! Thank you to Mrs. O for providing us with these yummy eats!
Thank you to Adalyn and family for bringing in an extra treat for our celebration! The pretzels were yummy in our tummies!
Due to the rigorous EQAO testing this week and our assembly during period 1/2, I decided to postpone our 3D geometry assessment until Monday. If you wish on the PA Day, please have your child study for this using the review sheet I sent home last week.

Language Learning:
Over the next few weeks, I will be teaching my students about Poetry in preparation for our Poetry Cafe. Yes of course, you are ALL INVITED, invitations to follow :) Stay tuned!! Your child will be excited to write and share their poems with you!
Learning Goal:
We are learning to read, listen to, and write our own poetry using adjectives (descriptive words) to help our reader visualize and create a deeper meaning from our writing.
Success Criteria:
1. I can choose a topic for my poem that is meaningful to me.
2. I can use rich, descriptive (adjectives) word choice when I write.
3. I can include voice and expression in my writing.
4. I can help my reader create mental imagery (visualize) as they read my poem.
5. I can think with my head and heart to create a meaningful poem.
POETRY IS ... "Powerful Thoughts in Tiny Packages!"
Have your child visit the link below to learn about the different types of poetry we will be exploring!
A big thank you to our dedicated parent council for planning, organizing, promoting, and facilitating our annual fun fair! Despite the calling of rain, it turned out to be beautiful outside! The fair was a huge success because of the amazing team!

On behalf of the staff at Nottawa, thank you for ALL that you do! Sorry I don't have many photos to share for this event, I was too busy talking away to everyone ;)
Muskoka Chair:
Thank you to my students who took time to plan and decorate our chair for the fun fair! I'm sure everyone could appreciate the messages on it :) Check out our "GROWTH MINDSETS."
Blue Mountain:
Next Friday, we will be going to Blue Mountain for our day of FUN at Blue!! Hopefully the weather will be cooperating and it'll be a bright and shining day for US! What ever the weather brings, I know we're going to have a blast!

Please ensure your child is prepared by dressing for the temperature, pack lots of water, and snacks. I also encourage talking with your child about responsible and respectful behaviour during a trip of this nature. It is very important that we stop, look, and listen when we are asked to do so to ensure everyone is SAFE and CARED FOR :)
Thank you to Harrison and his family for gifting me with a maple leaf pin to recognize my Prime Minister's award. This truly warmed my heart! I will wear it with pride and dignity as I too am a proud Canadian :)
I have placed it on my school keys lanyard (see picture) which I wear everyday! It will be a constant reminder for me to continue to put forth my personal best as a teacher for our children! Thank you, THANK YOU!
Can you think of some OTHER things not shared in the video that YOU THINK we should all say more often? Write it down and bring your ideas to school next week to share and teach US :-)
Growth Mindset:
"If you stay in the PRESENT MOMENT, you will LET GO of all your worries." - Charlotte
Ms. Gill
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