Dear Families,
With it being a shortened week due to the holiday on Monday, time sure zipped by, but lots of meaningful learning was definitely had! We are always striving to do OUR best in and out of the classroom.
I sent home a 3-D Geometry review sheet with students yesterday. I hope you will have some time over the weekend to go over this with your child and have him or her complete the practice questions in preparation for next week's assessment. Many thanks as always for your support in your child's academics!
For me, EQAO is a celebration of your child's stars (strengths) and arrows (next steps) of reading, writing, and math stemming from Kindergarten to grade 3. Students will find that they will be using their schema (background knowledge) from not only this year, but from past years too :)
Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence:
On Tuesday, I was awarded the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence. Click the link below for information about this :) I thank the superintendent of SCDSB Michael Giffen for sharing my exciting news with everyone at the Board level.
CTV News:
Today, KC Kolby from CTV news came to our classroom to interview me and some students! It was incredible for the kids and I because we got to share some of the amazing things happening inside our portable, namely Mindfulness!
Guess what!!?? We will be featured on the news (CTV news Barrie) on Monday evening at 6:15 PM, check us out! See below Parker and Addy being interviewed 1:1 by KC!! He was wonderful to work with. KC's genuine and kind approach with my students is something I valued very much!!
Mindfulness means being present in the present moment. What does being present really mean? Listen to the video and discuss some of the ways YOU CAN BE PRESENT in your thoughts, words, and actions today ...and EVERYDAY! Try some of the suggested mindful strategies and enjoy living your best life!
Growth Mindset:"
With it being a shortened week due to the holiday on Monday, time sure zipped by, but lots of meaningful learning was definitely had! We are always striving to do OUR best in and out of the classroom.
Simcoe County Museum:
We had such a meaningful field trip on Wednesday! Students in grade 3 learned all about Pioneer (Early Settlers) life. The kids got to dress up, play pioneer games, learn about how to make butter, a nail, being in a pioneer school with a strict teacher (I was even a little nervous), and so much more! Check out Sonja below who came to school dressed up ready for our day of learning about Early Settlers.
The staff at the museum was really impressed with our students' behaviour saying "Wow, this has been one of the best behaved group of students we've ever had!" This warms my heart as I too believe Nottawa is filled with the VERY BEST! Way to go boys and girls, you've represented the Nighthawk family with pride!
Thank you to Mrs. Robertson (Coleton's mom), Mrs. McDermid (Ryan's mom), and Mrs. Kennedy (Brayden's mom) for volunteering their time to spend the day with us and to help ensure all kids were safe and accounted for. I appreciate your efforts and I know your kids loved having you there with them! Look at how compassionate, caring, and thoughtful they are with the students below!!
As shared in last week's post, the grade 3 testing will take place beginning on Monday! I have reassured with my students that I will provide an environment that is calm and peaceful so they can do their best thinking and learning.

For me, EQAO is a celebration of your child's stars (strengths) and arrows (next steps) of reading, writing, and math stemming from Kindergarten to grade 3. Students will find that they will be using their schema (background knowledge) from not only this year, but from past years too :)
Next week, we will be hosting our annual FUN FAIR on Thurs. May 30th from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Come ONE, come ALL to join in what will be a fun-filled event for our families! Thank you to our Parent Council who have worked tirelessly to ensure we are ready!
In addition, we will have our Character Recognition Assembly and BEACH SPIRIT DAY also on May 30th at 9:15 a.m. Let's show school spirit by wearing our best beach wear!!!
Check out Ryan's new puppy! Bella came all the way from Edmonton and is now a proud McDermid. Isn't she the cutest? Probably keeps the family quite busy these days with training and such! Thanks Ryan for sharing your enthusiasm with us about your newest family member.
Check out Ryan's new puppy! Bella came all the way from Edmonton and is now a proud McDermid. Isn't she the cutest? Probably keeps the family quite busy these days with training and such! Thanks Ryan for sharing your enthusiasm with us about your newest family member.
Thank you Harrison for gifting me this painted lama piggy bank! I've needed a place to keep my change and save up some money! Your kind and thoughtful ways are appreciated, bud!
Thank you Becca for signing out and sharing this inspirational book with your peers and I. You truly know how to connect my teachings into your daily life. I absolutely LOVE how the words in this book are from civil rights leaders!! This connects beautifully from our Black History learning. There are sooo many growth mindsets that we can all learn and grow from. Here's one of the many (see below) I really enjoyed :)
"People have a right to different opinions, but those differences should not turn into hatred. We should love and care for each other because we are all one human race." -Dolores Huerta
Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence:
On Tuesday, I was awarded the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence. Click the link below for information about this :) I thank the superintendent of SCDSB Michael Giffen for sharing my exciting news with everyone at the Board level.
I would like to also take this opportunity to personally thank my nominators - Mrs. Proctor (Jeremy's mom), Mrs. Lloyd (Parker's mom), Mrs. Roberston (Coleton's mom), and Mrs. Fox (former student's mom). If it wasn't for these women's time, efforts, love, and support, I would not have been recognized.
Thank you ladies for acknowledging my efforts with your sons and the students at Nottawa, I will always cherish your kindness and HARD WORK that went into this. It is something I will never lose sight of. From my heart to yours - THANK YOU!!
In addition, I would like to say thank you to MY AMAZING STUDENTS who wrote a letter of support. It is because of them also that I attained this award ...their THOUGHTS, WORDS, and ACTIONS were heard :) The kids are the fuel to my teaching and I promise to always put forth my BEST for YOU!!
CTV News:
Today, KC Kolby from CTV news came to our classroom to interview me and some students! It was incredible for the kids and I because we got to share some of the amazing things happening inside our portable, namely Mindfulness!
Guess what!!?? We will be featured on the news (CTV news Barrie) on Monday evening at 6:15 PM, check us out! See below Parker and Addy being interviewed 1:1 by KC!! He was wonderful to work with. KC's genuine and kind approach with my students is something I valued very much!!
Growth Mindset:"
"Turn a negative thought into a positive one, and see your world SHINE BRIGHTLY!"
Ms. Gill
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