Dear Families,

Happy February!  Today, we had a school spirit day - wearing our favourite sports jersey!  Everyone participated with enthusiasm and school pride! We truly have the BEST students, staff, and families! Thank you for demonstrating spirit!  At the assembly, we heard the intermediate students say that Nottawa Spirit Wear will soon be available to purchase!  Stay tuned :-)

I loved seeing all the different jerseys everyone was sporting!

Character Recognition Assembly:
Today, we honoured and celebrated January’s Character Trait of Honesty as a school family.  Congratulations to Ryan and Adalyn for being recognized for displaying this trait.  Please continue being your truthful self in and out of the classroom! Your actions are making a difference in our school.  I know that your peers admire this quality about you!

February's Character Trait is:

We are fortunate to be in a school culture that is sensitive to the needs of others – staff and students work together to ensure that we foster a community that is safestrong, and free.  This being said, as your child’s teacher, I will continue to explicitly model, guide, reinforce, and support inclusion so all my students feel a sense of belonging J

Recognition for the Remembrance Day Poster Contest:
Congratulations to the recipients (see below) from our class who were recognized for their efforts, creativity, and artistic skills for the annual Remembrance Day Poster Contest!

Image result for remembrance day poster contest

The recipients received a certificate and cash award for the following categories:

Black & White:
1st Place - Charlotte
2nd Place - Parker
3rd Place - Becca

1st Place - Sonja
2nd Place - Karson
3rd Place - Jimi

Way to go boys and girls!!  Keep being your creative, artistic, and unique selves!  You've inspired us!

Procedure Presentations:
This week, we wrapped up all our presentations.  Students enthusiasm and hard work that went into this project is valued!  We learned a lot of valuable tips on how to effectively present to an audience!  Ask your child what some of the criteria I'm looking for in oral presentations (HINT: Clarity/Clearness, Volume, Pace, Eye Contact, Expression, Confident Body Language).  I hope this experience will continue helping students build upon their confidence in public speaking!  That was the goal :-)

With all these delicious recipes, there's buzz going around the classroom with students asking each other to share their google slides presentations to their google drive accounts so they can make some of the sweet treats at home!

So far, Becca shared her "How to Make Pumpkin Spice Donuts" with Emma AND Coleton shared his "How to Make Shepard's Pie" with Brayden and Connor!!  It was heart-warming to overhear these interactions :-) Maybe, I should try these recipes too!

On Monday, our school held the Annual Speech Competition in the gym.  Students from grades 4-8 delivered their speeches to our staff, students, honourary judges, and some parents who were able to attend.  I am so proud of all students who prepared and delivered their speeches in their classes.  It takes a lot of courage and poise to stand up in front of a group of people and share a speech.  Everyone should be so proud of their efforts!  Always reach for the stars and try your best in everything you do!  

Despite my many opportunities to public speak, I still get the jitters and have to compose myself before I have to speak in front of large audiences such as in our assemblies.  I was definitely thinking of all the speakers who had to patiently wait for their turn to speak.  Delivering a speech is a memorable experience and helps build upon ones growing confidence in public speaking.

An information review sheet came home on Wednesday.  Please have your child study the 5 different forces that we've studied this term.  If they wish, they may bring home their science notebooks for further preparation for next week's assessment.

Image result for forces and movement
New Date for Healthy Eating Session with Loblaw:
Great news!  Our school council has booked a new date for the Healthy Eating Session with Loblaw that was snowed out on the 23rd. The new date is Wednesday, March 20th at 6:30 p.m. in our gym.  A dietitian will visit and provide ideas for quick, healthy snacks and lunches. 

Image result for healthy eating kids

Field Trip:
Our Annual Bowling for Valentines Day is fast approaching!  This is such a wonderful trip which gives primary students the opportunity to experience a FUN way to celebrate love and friendship.  We will be handing out our Valentines on this trip, so please ensure your child's cards are ready and at school in his or her agenda bags on:

Trip Date:  Thurs. Feb. 14th   
Time: 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Georgian Bowl
Cost: $12.00 (students provided with a slice of pizza, water, bowling shoes, and bussing transportation)
What to Wear:  WHITE!  So you can glow in the dark ;)

Image result for valentines day bowling

Black History Month:
As January has ended and we are now into February, it’s time to celebrate Black History Month.  This is a topic near and dear to my heart because as a young child, I faced racism and prejudice due to the colour of my skin.  I have shared this experience with my students and I do it to help them learn the importance of treating everyone with love and respect no matter their race, orientation, size, ability, or religion.  

We are all human, and it is our right to share and live in equality.  

Black History Month is a time to celebrate and remember all the ways that black Americans and Canadians have contributed to North America's history and culture.  Throughout February, this celebration provides a chance to learn about African cultures too.  

In class, my emphasis will not solely focus on the negativity that many people faced in the past, but more so on the positive changes that have come as a result of the actions took by inspirational figures like Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., Maya Angelou, and many more!  

Image result for it is always the right time to do the right thing

We will also learn all about and acknowledge the amazing contributions made by black Canadians who helped shape our country. 
  • Viola Desmond (Canadian entrepreneur who fought segregation)
  • Lincoln Alexander (first black member of Parliament in Canadian history)
  • Carrie Best (founder of Nova Scotia's first black owned and published newspaper) 
  • Elijah McCoy (inventory and mechanical engineer).   
                                                                  Image result for viola desmond

As Addy beautifully said in her growth mindset last week, 

"If we want to help the world, we must be the FUEL to CHANGE IT!"  

It is up to us and our children to help reinforce a future that will be safe, strong, and EQUAL.  We have come a long way from the injustices of the past, but we must remember to continue putting in the work to ensure we live in harmony!!!

Bell Let's TALK:
Mental illness is a very common form of human pain and suffering. Being a good listener and asking how you can help or simply just being there for people you care about can be the first step to recovery.

Image result for bell lets talk 2019

On Wednesday, we had a class discussion about the importance of being educated about the stigmas surrounding mental health.  Many students were not aware of this topic so it was an excellent opportunity for me to touch upon this and you know, I will definitely be reinforcing mental health throughout the remainder of our school year.

Parker supporting this meaningful cause!  Thank you to his Mom for all her valuable contributions to this as well!

We carefully watched and listened to the video below.  It gave us a clearer understanding about this topic and we have a greater appreciation for those who are affected by mental health.

Ask your child what some of the ways someone who suffers with mental illness can get help!  Taking care of our mental wellness is equally as important as tending to our physical well-being.   

Thank you Adalyn for making me this beautiful painting!!  I love it :)  With the frigid temperatures we've been experiencing this week, this bright colourful image sure warmed me UP inside!!  Spring will be here before we know it, right?!  You're such a ray of sunshine, Adalyn!!

Emma spent her weekend preparing a google slides presentation about Homelessness and supporting Home Horizon.  Thank you for taking the time to share this heart soaring message with US!!  I love when my students extend their learning beyond the classroom walls and reinforce concepts to further educate us.  Check out her GOAL!  So PROUD of your empathetic ways, Emma!!

Growth Mindset:
"Believe IT!  Dream IT!  ACHIEVE IT!" - Jimi & Charlotte

Ms. Gill


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