Dear Families,
Is it March already!?  One more school week until the Break!  I’m sure you’re looking forward to it as you get to spend quality time with your wonderful child(ren).  The colder temperatures are here, bundle up and stay cozy everyone!  

Today's a PA Day for students.  Teachers will meet at Cameron St. Public School to learn about effective math teaching.  I always enjoy these sessions as I'm a sponge and love learning new strategies and techniques to incorporate into my teaching practice :)

March's Character Trait:
Let's put this trait into our THOUGHTS,  WORDS, and ACTIONS boys and girls.  We can do it!!

International PINK DAY:
We had the pleasure of celebrating pink shirt day two times in the month of February!  Once at our assembly to recognize the character trait of Inclusiveness and then again on Wednesday to celebrate pink shirt day all around Simcoe County.  

Pink Day was started as a day to stand up against bullying and spread understanding.  It's becoming a concept spreading throughout THE WORLD!  If you see people getting bullied or harassed, be sure to walk up to them and help them out, don't let them think they're alone in the world.  

Together we can help put a STOP TO BULLYING!  
#pinkday #notalone #stopbullying # pinkday2019  

Thank you to the students who helped promote this important cause again this week!  

Black History Assembly:
It is with gratitude that I now share about my students presentation for Black History month.  It was a heart-felt performance and I am so very proud of each of my students!  I had tears of JOY!  Everyone participated with such love and compassion.  I can say for certainty that those who were able to attend would agree with me.  Thank you boys and girls!  Your message about spreading equal and fair treatment to everyone was heard and felt!

I would also like to acknowledge all the families who were able to attend despite your busy schedules and work commitments.  It meant the world to all of us, and your presence helped us be the BEST WE CAN BE!!  Your continued commitment and support in all my teaching endeavours is cherished beyond measure.

Below are a few pictures that were shared with me.  Thank you Mrs. Garvan and Mr. Roth for taking these for my students and their parents to enjoy!!

My HERO Mrs. Boucher, my brother, me, and my Ma :)
Reading for the Love of It:
After our assembly, we had some quiet, reflective time together to seize and savour the beautiful feeling we had inside our hearts.  Students went to the library and snuggled up with a buddy or individually to read.  Some signed out books about Black History, Difference, and Equality.  I loved seeing this as my passion for Black History has now transferred into my students :) 


Emma & Becca:
Thank you Emma and Becca for bringing in books to help reinforce all our learning from this month!  These read alouds were perfect in wrapping up Black History Month.

Thank you Sonja for taking the time, energy, and thought to make this beautiful picture for me!!  One of my favourite quotes of all time is: "It is wonderful to be loved, but it is profound to be understood."  Thank you for UNDERSTANDING ME and sharing your love for growth mindsets as well, Sonja!!

Mr. Morin shared the story below with me and said, "Ms. Gill I think you and your students would really appreciate this book.  Give it a listen."  And, we DID.  Mr. Morin was right!  We all enjoyed listening to the powerful journey of a little girl who had the strength and courage to stand up for what she believed in - being treated fairly!  

Growth Mindset:

"Don't look back to the negative, look FORWARD to the POSITIVE!"

Ms. Gill


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