Dear Families,
Here we are at the end of our first week of April!  They say, "April showers (or SNOW in our case) bring May flowers!"  Let's hope!  It sure was a mixed bag this week with rain and snow.  Hope you were able to keep dry and cozy.  Enjoy your weekend!  I’m heading to the gym (Mozomo) after school to get my D.P.A. in before I start mine!

Character Trait:
This month's character trait is "Optimism" - We believe we can DO IT!  

Being in a state of optimism is remarkable!  Check out the video below to see for yourself.  We loved it in class!!  So, come one, COME ALL, join US in the POWER OF OPTIMISM!  It can change your life for the better ... FOR GOOD!!

On Thursday, the grade 3's went swimming!  They really liked it!  The YMCA did an excellent job organizing swim lessons.  I have so many amazing swimmers in the class; I was impressed!  Lucky them, they get to go another 3 weeks!  This is a very meaningful program as it offers "A Swim to Survive" skills.  I could sure use a lesson or two myself ;)

Please note, prior to our swimming trip, I had a serious discussion with the class about being their best selves to represent our Nottawa family with pride and dignity.  Students who have difficulty abiding by the Y's or our school rules will sit with me to make a plan to improve their behaviour.  

Thank you parents for speaking with your child about appropriate behaviour during a field trip.  It made a difference and I'm optimistic we will continue having positive experiences at the Y!

Please take a moment to speak with your child about Mixed Numbers!  This was a concept that intrigued many.  Students should be able to describe what it is and give you examples using pictures and words :)

Our fractions assessment will be on Monday!  I will be providing knowledge/understanding, thinking/application, and communication questions.  I'm optimistic students will perform very well on this.  Happy Studying :)

This week's reading comprehension focused on birds, particularly about Ravens and Robins.  Ask your child to share with you what he or she learned from this non-fiction text. 

We also did a self-assessment with this in class and have a better understanding of what a level 1, 2, 3, and 4 response looks and sounds like.

World Autism Awareness Day:
On Tuesday, we acknowledged and learned about Autism.  Similarly to last week's discussion about Down Syndrome, I reinforced with my students the importance of showing compassion and understanding to those who think and learn differently than us.  It was a powerful discussion and below are some of the teachings I did based on the children's book "My Friend Has Autism".

What is autism?  "It is a brain-based disorder.  Doctors don't know what causes autism, and there is no cure.  Kids with autism have difficulty making sense of the world around them.  They don't make connections with words and feelings like most people do.  Kids with autism have trouble talking with others, which makes it hard to make friends.  They often spend their time alone and seem to be "in their own world."  Therapy can help kids with autism communicate with others and live better lives."  - Amanda Doering Tourville

In addition, I came across this amazing video (see below) which gave us the opportunity to step inside the brain of an autistic child.  The students really enjoyed it and requested to watch it again!  So, I decided to post it onto our morning announcements so the entire school could benefit from this learning too!


"Autism is a brain-based disorder which means parts of the brain don't grow the way they should.  No one knows why some kids have autism.  There is no cure ...YET!"

"Kids with autism have trouble communicating.  They may not talk much at all.  They may talk only about their interests, even when other people don't share those interests."

"Many kids with autism are able to focus very tightly on an interest.  Many kids with autism may  hear sounds or smell odors that other people don't notice.  Kids with autism often spend a lot of time arranging toys or objects.  It can upset them when someone moves their things."

"Many kids with autism can seem impolite.  They don't understand that it's rude to walk away from someone who is talking to them."

School Council:
Our hard working school council is hosting another information night to promote health and wellness! 

The topic of discussion will be about: "Raising Resilient Children." 
This parenting information night will take place:

  • Tues. Apr. 30th
  • 6:30 -8:00 p.m.
  • School Library

Becca has been independently and diligently working on a very meaningful procedure!  Today, she came up to me and said, "Ms. Gill, may I share it with you?"  As Becca was showing her google slides presentation, my heart swelled with JOY!!  I am so proud of her!  Becca's inspired US ALL to be more kind, compassionate, and caring :-)  Check out some of her slides!!  Way to go, kiddo!

Emma continues to let her "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" shine!  Below, you will see her message she wrote for me.  I'm so touched by Emma's willingness to share her thoughts, feelings, and emotions with her peers and me!  It means so much :)  Continue BEING YOU!!!

I am very drawn to this video (see below) because of all its powerful quotes!!  In class, we listened to it several times, and each time we did, I know it's helping us all develop a more optimistic MINDSET!!  

In order to continue developing an optimistic mindset ... remember, it takes the 4 P's: 
  • PLANNING (a goal without a plan is only a wish)
  • PRACTICE (which makes progress)
  • PATIENCE (lots of it)
  • PERSEVERANCE (never give up)

In no time, you'll realize that by being optimistic, you'll live a HAPPIER and HEALTHIER life ...
physically, emotionally, and mentally :)

Growth Mindset:
The students have been sharing such wonderful growth mindsets!  I have a side chalkboard full of them now!  I love it :-)  This one below is a goody too!


Ms. Gill


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